Welcome to our family! My deepest desire is to point others to Christ, who continues to dramatically changed me into His image. May God's glory be revealed through the ups and downs of our family.


Colorado Project!

We will be on the Colorado Project for AIA this summer. We are super excited. Click the title of this post, and it will link you to a promo video from last summer!


Here is our Hero, Joshua. Thanks to all who prayed. He is doing well, and we will see how the night goes when the painkillers wear off. We do have Tylenol with Coedine. He looks like a boxer ready to fight!

Surgery Day Awaits...

Joshua and Garrett really thought life was good with their Jello Hearts for breakfast. Surgery is in a little over 2 hours. I will post pics when we return from Children's. God, please take care of our blessing named Joshua.


JELL-O at its finest!

We just went to Children's Hospital this past Monday. On Super Bowl Sunday, Joshua developed a condition called "trigger finger". Both of his thumbs are stuck, yes, stuck. His left thumb is stuck bent down (the first joint closest to the tip) and the right thumb is stuck straight, unable to bend. I am still blown away that Joshua, a two and a half year old, is having surgery. What an overachiever! He has been to the Emergency Room over five times, all before he was fifteen months old. Now, anesthesia, stitches, the whole nine yards! What is worse, how do I explain to him that when he wakes up on the 19th, we all get to eat breakfast, but he gets jello. My two year old is going to be really angry when he realizes no food after 8:30 am!